Aesthetica magazine contents page analysis 

In the contents page of an average Aesthetica magazine, the masthead into used but where the front cover sell lines were lacking are now in much further depth. There is a number attached to each of 10 images which ass have a short description underneath them . turning to the first page and seeing pictures and detail of each  one will be alluring in its organisation. However a new title is used ; ’10 to see’, which was not included on the front in bold statement.
At first glance the images all vary in colour and dimension which will attract a range of people who are interested in art. There is no letter form the editor, nor is there any mention of anything but the artists work and what it involves as most people will only read art magazines for that reason ; to make their own interpretations. Similarly, no articles are given prominence over others, much like how the cover is not favouring any particular theme or artist, the magazine represents all. Half the page is made up of images and the structure of the magazine is laid out immediately with where to turn to depending on the reader and not what the magazine wants your attention to go to the most. The font used is sans serif, similar to their front covers, which continues a theme of simplicity.
Its all very structured with a divide directly between the descriptions and the photos however some photos are larger than others which could be a subtle point by the magazine at where they want your attention. Besides the colours in the magazine, there is no background and the text is all written in black, overall making the magazine appear formal. The language that has been used is formal and serious with little element of editorial style.


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