art of england Magazine 
-front cover analysis
The magazine is called ‘art of england’ as it represents English art and artists. It is referred to by them as the ‘best UK art monthly’ which is placed above the header in the same shade of purple as the ‘art’ in the masthead. This links the name of the magazine to embracing English art and displaying it in their magazine. The name of the magazine is simple and says exactly what it entails which will make it more inviting to more people without getting a misinterpretation of magazine is promoting. The masthead is at the top of the page to leave room for the art and the sell lines to not entirely cover the image.
All fonts on the cover are sans serif to provoke a theme of neatness and organisation. This may be due to suggesting the magazine doesn’t overshadow artists with their own brand or they are simply a platform for art. The sell lines alongside the image are also in sans serif. Similarly, the main topic of the issue ; ‘hot outside art’ reflects well with the iconic and well-known image of Audrey Hepburn that has been altered to another artists style. Henceforth, the sell lines will appeal to the target audience as it is showing a modern take on old/well-known postmodernist art. They use big names such as ‘Duchamp’ and Michael Landy who will be recognisable to the target audience and make them more interested to read. They also use buzz words such as ‘destructive’, ’modern’ ,’hot’ and ‘king’; all conveying that the magazine is up to date with evolving art and encourages outspoken and chaotic views.
The girl on the cover is an interpretation of Audrey Hepburn, a well-known and iconic figure on the fashion and art world. Having a recognisable face paired with a modern twist will show the magazine’s ideology quite-well. At first glance this may be that they thrive off of a new approach to what people may associate with classic symbols of art and what it should be. The eyes in the image are illustrated so it may be unclear where the gaze lays. However the eyes are drawn attention to with the black liquid in the left eye. This engages the potential buyer further as it is unexplained until read further into, which only can be done by buying the magazine.
The kind of language that has been used reflects the modern theme of the magazine. Using the aforementioned buzz words, the magazine conveys they are youthful. They use exclamation marks too which promote anger and excitement which in the art world would reflect strongly with most classic names.  The layout is also uncluttered and most sell lines are in the side with the eye that will already get attention drawn to it which means they will then be more likely read.


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