MAD magazine front cover analysis 

The magazine is called ‘Mad’ and it is a determinedly satirical magazine lacing comedy and an artistic flare into politics, celebrities and current affairs. It was widely imitated and influential, affecting satirical media, as well as the cultural landscape of the 20th century. Mad's mascot, Alfred E. Neuman, is typically the focal point of the magazine's cover, with his face often replacing that of a celebrity or character who is lampooned within the issue. Here he poses as a reporter interviewing trump alongside all the biggest American broadcasters however his microphone, branded with the Mad ‘M’ is being shoved into Donald Trump’s eye. This comedic approach to democracy and the delegation of power in the States is given a platform that is understood and dark in its humour. The masthead lays behind the cartoon and is overlapped though still eligible as the word ‘mad’. If not, the ‘M’ in the microphone fills in any confusion. The classic font ofr ‘mad’ is used alongside the sans serif, bold font for the headlines above it. There is no other sell line beyond the already loud comic. The colour palette reminds the reader of classic 50's comic strips in newspaper that poked fun at politicians also. Alfred E. Neuman is giving direct address to the audience while obstructing trumps eyes, suggesting Mad magazine is a critical platform beyond the sugar coating of the media and mass propaganda promoting the president. The spit illustrated as well shows the president in a negative light, presenting him as unlikable and unprofessional. The target audience for this magazine issue can be anyone legible to vote in what was an upcoming election. The people more likely to vote against Trump would be drawn to this issue as they would see the humour behind it whereas as a supporter would think it disrespectful. The headlines include the word ‘rogue’, without any other lead on what this is about, the word connotes rebellion and going against society which reflects with the theme of the cover. The layout is done so that any wording is at the top of the magazine so there is no framing of the image with something else.


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