Total Film contents page


The contents page of this Total Film magazine shows the front cover of the issue in the top right corner, the number of magazines published and the date of the issue. However the Total Film masthead is not used beyond it being replicated in the corner. The magazine has been divided into  four sections as ; ‘this issue’, ‘teasers’, ‘every issue’, and ‘total film buff’ where they cover their top 10 films at the moment, quizzes, a n article on a classic scene and notes on a screenplay. There are only two photos on the contents page with one taking more light than the other. A fairly niche film character from The Greasy Stranger sits at the bottom of the contents page while the main character of Assassins Creed takes up more than half of the contents page along with the page number the reader would find it. It is clear than the Assassins Creed article is given prominence over others as an exclusive interview. This is because the other niche film below is less well-known and recognised than the other. The contents are structured in categories and are all on one side of the page. The fonts are all in sans serif and some are in bold, including the Contents title and the titles of each category.  The colours most used and red and black as they connote to intensity and possible danger which reflects well with the movie given most attention. Furthermore, the kind of language is semi-formal and witty, with plays on words in introducing their articles, ‘in the hood’ and ‘total 10’.


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