Codes and conventions of the entertainment/film magazine covers and contents pages
-          The name of the magazine e- allows the reader to identify the magazine as its rightful owner and makes the more familiar with it , despite the colours being different every edition. The red in the masthead can match the colours of superman’s cape and with a different and more adventurous red still connects both together and makes it east on the eye and nice to look at.
-          Main character image – largest and most obvious sight on the page. Superman striking a fearless pose while image is placed behind text. This will catch the eyes of many comic and marvel fans because of superman’s appearance. The choice of colour and clothing match perfectly with the sky blue background which is very easy on the eye of the reader.

-          Banner – a short message describing either the character or feature from inside . the white and caps locked font blends in well with the wonderful sky background to capture the attention of the audience. Notice how it also blends in well with the red and blue which become the three main colours and representations of the magazine cover which will represent superman well.
-          Special double issue – a blue circular attachment with a short sentence claiming what type of issue the magazine is. Small sentences such as make it easier for the reader to take up information in a short space of time
-          Coverlines/buzz words – showing extra films hat can be read about inside the magazine. Buzzwords such as ‘hot’, ‘buzz’ and ‘plus’ are quick and snappy words which help the flow of speech on the cover. The differential in font colours, such as white and grey match superman well with the blue and red colours of his cape.
-          Small snippets of what is inside the magazine such as interviews, reviews and previews
-          A small message displaying what is on view


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