
Codes and conventions of magazine websites Mad Webpage -           The mad magazine web-page holds the same theme as their magazine covers, a satirical and unconventional approach to entertainment magazines. -           The backdrop of their heading is the magazine mascot who features on every cover, making the magazine as recognisable to anyone familiar with it as the web-page will be, though the repetition of the cartoon boy becomes clear soon enough . -           The eye-catching and recognisable logos used in the background picture evaluate the topics the magazine covers immediately. The Marxist themes in the boys appearance in contrast with the magazine title overlapping it shows the magazines satire is confident and unapologetic in criticising current affairs. -           The heading for the ‘issues, books, subscribe and latest stories’ overlaps the character as well as if to say the magazine front covers say a lot and here’s the brand behind it. -           As
planning constumes and props  i want to have at least one black and white photo in a different outfit to the on in colour, this would mean the shape of the clothes and the makeup and props used will be more of a silhouette than a main focus being colour. 
Codes and conventions of the entertainment/film magazine covers and contents pages -           The name of the magazine e- allows the reader to identify the magazine as its rightful owner and makes the more familiar with it , despite the colours being different every edition. The red in the masthead can match the colours of superman’s cape and with a different and more adventurous red still connects both together and makes it east on the eye and nice to look at. -           Main character image – largest and most obvious sight on the page. Superman striking a fearless pose while image is placed behind text. This will catch the eyes of many comic and marvel fans because of superman’s appearance. The choice of colour and clothing match perfectly with the sky blue background which is very easy on the eye of the reader. -           Banner – a short message describing either the character or feature from inside . the white and caps locked font blends in well with the wonderful sk
codes and conventions of magazines covers and contents pages  -           Usually the main feature article -           Studio photographs, usually in medium close-up or mid shot -           Direct address -           Title or masthead -           Has a trademark, unique font -           Usually one or two words -           Fills the width of the cover, or is in the top left corner -           Positioning statement – how the magazine positions itself in the marketplace against the competition -           Price and issue – sometimes by the barcode- date by title 11pt size -           Puff – offers something else to the magazine such as free giveaways or toys in kids mags -           Buzz words – usually with the main feature article. Used to attract attention e.g. exclusive, free, plus -           Barcode – this will be positioned at the bottom right or up the right side. Along with it will sometimes be the date/month of edition, price, website and issue number

Mood Board - scattered- inspiration

MAD magazine front cover analysis  ... The magazine is called ‘Mad’ and it is a determinedly satirical magazine lacing comedy and an artistic flare into politics, celebrities and current affairs. It was widely imitated and influential, affecting satirical media, as well as the cultural landscape of the 20th century. Mad's mascot, Alfred E. Neuman, is typically the focal point of the magazine's cover, with his face often replacing that of a celebrity or character who is lampooned within the issue. Here he poses as a reporter interviewing trump alongside all the biggest American broadcasters however his microphone, branded with the Mad ‘M’ is being shoved into Donald Trump’s eye. This comedic approach to democracy and the delegation of power in the States is given a platform that is understood and dark in its humour. The masthead lays behind the cartoon and is overlapped though still eligible as the word ‘mad’. If not, the ‘M’ in the microphone fills in any confusion. The
Total Film contents page ... The contents page of this Total Film magazine shows the front cover of the issue in the top right corner, the number of magazines published and the date of the issue. However the Total Film masthead is not used beyond it being replicated in the corner. The magazine has been divided into   four sections as ; ‘this issue’, ‘teasers’, ‘every issue’, and ‘total film buff’ where they cover their top 10 films at the moment, quizzes, a n article on a classic scene and notes on a screenplay. There are only two photos on the contents page with one taking more light than the other. A fairly niche film character from The Greasy Stranger sits at the bottom of the contents page while the main character of Assassins Creed takes up more than half of the contents page along with the page number the reader would find it. It is clear than the Assassins Creed article is given prominence over others as an exclusive interview. This is because the other niche film be